
A simple mortgage calculator using spring-boot and Thymeleaf.

View the Project on GitHub djangofan/spring-boot-mortgage-calculator


Just a mortgage calculator application using spring-boot and Thymeleaf.


Tags\Versions Description Date
0.90 Initial prototype. Dec 19, 2015
1.0.0 Initial release. Dec 20, 2015
1.0.1 Refactored unnecessary controller logic into separate Service classes. Dec 22, 2015
1.0.2 In progress...



  1. Displays all payment dates during the loan amortization.
  2. Supports compounded "end of period" payment type as well as up-front payment type.
  3. Variable interest rate.
  4. Variable initial loan balance.
  5. Will calculate a arbitrary future value.
  6. Calculates monthly payment.


  1. Install Gradle 2.10+ on your local system. Put GRADLE_HOME/bin on your PATH variable.
  2. Make sure you have Java 1.8 JDK (not 1.7 and not a JRE).
  3. Import this Gradle project into your IDE. I use IntelliJ-IDEA, but this might also work with Eclipse or "Spring Source Suite".
  4. Using Gradle, or a 'run configuration' in your IDE, run 'gradle clean build' to build the .war application archive.
  5. To run the application, run 'gradle bootRun'.
  6. Navigate locally to http://localhost:8080/

Images Of Application

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