
Node served Mountebank server + Mountebank UI on port 2424

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A preconfigured docker image containing a mountebank server and also a pre-compiled mountebank-UI. My intention here is to load pre-configured imposters on a port but also allow you to load more via the mountebank-UI. For each new imposter you load, you may need to edit the Docker configuration to allow that new port.

When building docker image, Docker build will copy in UI content that comes from the mountebank-UI project, which I build separately. If you want to build it yourself, I have left clues here on how to do that.

Please copy this project and alter it for your own use.

Hosted on Docker Hub.

For your rest client, I recommend using Insomnia, rather than Postman (because Postman is over-engineered). I include an import file here if you want my default set of http queries.

Easy Start




Run the image as follows

docker run -p 2424:80 -p 2525:2525 -p 9000:9000 -d djangofan/mountebank-with-ui-node

Alternatively, use –net=host to use the host network and avoid need to specify all the imposter ports upfront

docker run --net=host -d djangofan/mountebank-with-ui-node


Once running, access mountebank-UI on port 2424. Tell the mountebank-UI to import the restaurant imposters into your mountebank back-end Java service on port 2525 .

Then, when query mountebank back-end Java service at /imposters, you’ll see one registered imposter on port 9000.

Examples - access the mountebank-UI - access the imposter configuration

# query an imposter registered on port 9000
curl --request GET \


There is a gmaps-sample.xml file in the UI folder, that I think is the source of the sample restaurants imposters we load that are part of this project.

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